
Frame baskets constitute a whole family of baskets, contrasting with stake and strand baskets. With a hoop forming the rim and ribs, weavers go to and fro across the basket. The ribs can be split and shaved willows, splints of wood, or whole willow rods. A variety of patterns can be generated by the weave and the positioning of the butts of the weavers.

Small oval baskets such as the one illustrated with the ribs running end to end were traditionally used for draining and serving potatoes in Northern Ireland. Larger baskets, with ribs running across the baskets, were used as agricultural baskets for harvesting.

Frame baskets have been used for line fishing ("sma' line" or long line baskets), and their shape and size showed considerable local variations. Some were deep, others like the one illustrated, shallower. Whole rattan cane was often used instead of willow as it withstood salt water better. Wooden partitions were sometimes included to separate the baited line from the rest, and the rim was also reinforced with wood and wrapped with tarred string and canvas for strength and to provide somewhere to put the hooks before they were baited.